Top 5 Pain-In-The-Back Careers For Women

A wide variety of popular occupations for women can cause back problems. Below are the top 5 jobs that cause back pain in careers that tend to have more female workers…

Nursing: Nurses, orderlies, and attendants strain their lower backs as they bend over patients, transfer patients between beds, and assist with procedures. Modern paperwork requirements add a new element of upper back strain as nurses hunch over paperwork and computer keyboards. No wonder nurses have more back injuries than any other occupation!

Maids / Housekeepers: Maids and Housekeepers frequently spend hours bent over their work, picking things up, scrubbing things down, and carrying cleaning materials from room to room. Repetitive motion, reaching, bending, and twisting all add up to serious spinal strain potential.

Restaurant workers: Cooks, waitresses, hostesses, dishwashers, and bus staff all experience back pain. Standing on your feet all day, dealing with heavy loads of dishes, and repetitive cleaning and chopping motions all put increased strain on upper and lower back.

Hairdressers: Hairdressers are an emerging group being studied by back pain specialists. Salon workers often stand all day with their arms up, endlessly snipping and clipping their client’s locks of hair. Alternatively, they may remain bent over a client doing waxing work, rolling curls, or pinning down errant strands on formal hairstyles for long periods. Without a natural range of motion, repetitive reaching motions and raised arms can lead to major back angst.
Childcare providers: Constantly picking up children, picking up toys, and perching on child-sized tables and chairs puts a severe strain on the backs of childcare providers. Add in that children are often carried as an uneven load on one hip and you have muscle imbalances that can persist for years.
Other top back pain causing jobs for women include teaching, assembly line work, textile jobs, cashier work, and general manual labor.

Red Flags for Back Pain at Work

Even if your job isn’t on the Top 10 list of jobs for back pain, you could still be killing your spine each day you spend at work. You are more likely to experience back pain if your job description includes any of these:
–  Lifting and moving heavy objects
–  Full body vibration from heavy tools or standing on shop floors where heavy manufacturing takes place
–  Repetitive motion, especially if it is repetitive reaching, bending, or twisting
–  Sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time
–  Hunching over a workstation or computer keyboard
Any one of these red flags can be a sign back pain could be in your future. Any combination of these are especially troublesome, leading to chronic aches and pains unless you’re proactive about protecting your body from pain.

Stop Work-Related Back Pain

No matter what you do, there’s no reason to tolerate back pain. A tough job shouldn’t force you into a life of painkillers and surgery. Fight back by directly addressing the root causes of your back pain.
Remember, it’s not just your hard workday yesterday. Back pain is caused by imbalances that develop over time. While you may feel your back pain came on suddenly, the reality is your work habits and work requirements over the past years have been shaping your spine since Day 1. Now, you have to take action to put your body back into a comfortable, pain-free alignment.
Whether you have job-related back pain right now, or simply want to prevent future back pain, you will want to identify the structure imbalances that have formed in your body over time and work on correcting your posture and alignment to prevent pain.
That’s exactly what a Chiropractor helps you do. Usually in just minutes, we can pinpoint the root cause of your back pain… or the ones that are likely to put you at risk for chronic back pain in the future. And unlike pills that just mask the symptoms while the problem gets worse, continued chiropractic care treats the actual problem
Isn’t it time to put away the pain pills, and stop fretting over back surgery? Discover Chiropractic Care and all its benefits- Even if you have one of the worst jobs for back pain.
Call today and schedule an appointment 321-783-1960

Dr. Steve Alukonis is the only Diplomate of the American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists in the Cocoa Beach, Cape Canaveral area and one of very few in the county. He has been in practice for over 25+ years right here in Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Please visit our website to learn more about what we do at Space Coast Advanced Health


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